The Hotel

Below you’ll find details about the property and how to book your room in the coming weeks.

Casa Anamaria is a
converted 14th-century farmhouse hotel
that mixes modern and rustic styles in the Catalan countryside,
with a pool, tennis court, restaurant & spa

Hotel Details

Casa Anamaria Hotel
Veïnat de la Serra s/n 17833 Ollers,
Girona (Catalunya)
View on Google Maps

Booking Your Room

The hotel has a variety of room types and villas on the property. We are working with hotel staff to best accommodate each party to suit their needs. After we have received all RSVPs, you should expect an email with a link to book your room.

Should you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to reach out to us via email at We appreciate your patience in this process and are looking forward to hosting you all!